Thursday 6 June 2024

Buy Better!

On Monday I put our bedlinen in the wash, hung it out and it was so warm and windy that we were able to put it straight back on the bed in the evening without ironing.

Which was a first.

For some time now I’ve been training Fester to put the bedlinen back on the bed.

I strip the bed; put the bedlinen in and set off the washer; hang it out fighting strong winds and useless pegs, bring it back in (ditto); iron it against damp; put it away in the linen cupboard and, finally, get out the clean and put it on the bed.  So it only seems fair he should do his bit with the mattress, pillows and duvet.   It’s taken a while, wot with him being a scientist and all, but he’s finally managed it.

Can I point out here that pegs aren’t what they used to be. The plastic ones hold no weight and snap suddenly, and the wooden ones come apart at the slightest provocation, often leaving the spring behind so it’s a struggle to get whatever was hung up off again.  Great in a gale!


On Monday evening I left the bedlinen on the bed, fresh off the line, and trotted off to a WI committee meeting.  When I came home the bed was made, pillow cases on and duvet cover buttoned up. 
On Tuesday night Fester says “I had such a bother with those buttons last night.   
There’s something keeps sticking in my feet.”
And starts fossicking around the bottom of the bed, presumably inside the duvet
I didn’t look, I just lay there holding my bit of the duvet under my chin and thinking of England.
There was a lot of harrumphing and a few “what the?**!”s
He finally reappeared at the head of the bed triumphantly flourishing half a wooden clothes peg that had somehow been left in the duvet cover.
“You need to buy some decent pegs!”

 I’ve said it before … So like the home life of our own dear queen.


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