Wednesday 29 May 2024

Fond Memories?

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Henffrind and Ben 197?

On 9 May 2015 Henffrind’s mother passed away.   

I naturally went down for the funeral, stayed with her, and her partner and child, and went to the funeral with them.   
There were a few sideways looks when I sat down next to her in the front pew.
From Facebook Archives
29 May 2015
So yesterday I am at the funeral of a very old and dear family friend and explaining to one of her nephews 
(who I haven't seen since we were teenagers) who I am.  
The penny drops, a light comes into his eyes and he says "Oh THAT Ben". 
Which is not the sort of thing one wants to hear ...
Drummerman  Some of us know what he meant ... 
(Not necessarily bad).
Bentonbag  It was the sly grin and the follow up of "You and Henffrind …  mischief" which was, if anything, even more worrying.
Mrs Lasagne  So he remembered you fondly Ben xxx

This blogpost explains things a bit more 


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