Sunday 26 May 2024

Fayre And Phone

From Facebook Archives

26 May 2011 at 15:45

Have sore and aching feet after trolling around Whitley Bay begging stuff for Woodlawn Summer Fayre.*
Got some good and interesting donations ranging from a pair of knickers to a ukulele.
Mrs Treasurer Well done Ben! ... but I don't think I can raffle knickers, maybe tombola........
Bentonbag  Silent Auction?

26 May 2011 at 18:07

I put the washing out before going out this morning.  
Fester's greeting on my return was "We've washed my 'phone."   
He'd put his trousers in the laundry basket; I don't go through his pockets.   
It was in in the airing cupboard; I've dismantled and hair-dryered it.   
The sim works but the battery and/or 'phone seem to be dead.   
How long should we leave them in the airing cupboard before giving up and investing a new one?
Miss Fiddle I washed a memory stick a couple of years ago which I then dried on a radiator for 48 hours - it worked!  There are loads of nooks and crannies to get every last drop of condensation out of.
Mr Mull  If you have some dry long grain rice you could put it in a jar of that and it might help dry it out.

*See also

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