Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Just The Ticket?

From Facebook Archives
14 January 2012 at 15:20
Been to Central Station for Freedom of Scotland passes for half term - just noticed two start 12 February as requested and two start 19 January! 😖
How the heck did the computer manage that one?
All Berwick tickets (where Freedom of Scotland starts) are ok.
Return trip tomorrow to remonstrate!!!
So will have to go to the Quayside Market after all.
These boys are getting bl**dy expensive
15 January 2012
Tickets successfully replaced by woman cashier who asked who it was who had done the first sale.   
Sadly all I could tell her was "it was the man that sits in that seat over there".   
Eyebrows raised with the tiniest hint of a roll!


Saturday, 11 January 2025

The Least You'd Expect

From Facebook Archives
11 January 2018 at 22:47
I'm looking at hotels on the Mull of Galloway and have just found 'toilet paper' and 'towels' listed under Room Facilities.
Now I've not got huge expectancies but I'd have thought the former was a given!
Mr Mull  You'd have thought so but a few years ago we stayed in a Travelodge and, having already changed rooms from a filthy one to a merely grubby one, we noticed there was no toilet paper.  We asked the staff member for some and were told they couldn't give out toilet paper until the manager was there!  Thankfully they seem better now.*
Norsk Islands  Have you mentioned this on tripadvisor?
Mr Mull  I believe I did but it was some years ago.
Bentonbag  I won't tell you what I saw on the flat room outside our Travelodge window in Glasgow when we did our first Freedom ofScotland Rail Tour a few years ago!
*Travelodge have improved considerably in recent years and I would actually recommend the one in Bournemouth.


Friday, 10 January 2025

Plus Sa Change

Remind you of anybody or anywhere?
I'm beginning to wonder what impact the emphasis on learning the classics in public schools (Eton, Winchester etc), and private ones that emulate them, has had on the upper/governing classes.
From Facebook Archives
10 January 2013 at 17:03
email from my friend Ms Eft
Well, there's a thing!
Quote of the Century.......................
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.  People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance."
- Cicero , 55 BC
So, evidently we've learned nothing in the past 2,067 years.
Bess Cavalier  I'll say - it reminds me of the quotation by Caius Petronius, a Roman general writing in AD 66: "We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form into teams, we would be reorganised.  I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising, and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation".

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Threader Thread

Nothing much in the Facebook Archives for today so I’m doing tomorrow’s early...
DS 6 January 2020 at 01:07
Does anybody know what this is.   
If you do like it share it don’t tell anybody what it is.

VM  I think I still have one!

Paganess  I still use them!

Bentonbag  Me too. I hope you can still get them in the haberdashery in the Grainger Market

JG  Easy, useless though

Bess Cavalier  The red plastic ones are better and last longer, although mine gave up on Thursday evening.  I do have a new packet somewhere ...
Kippa  The one I used had Singer stamped on it. Long since gone.
Mercy Dunn  I know what it is, my eye sight is so poor it’s all I can use.
Mrs Elswitch  I have one but have no bloody idea how it works!
Bentonbag  Come up to my house and I'll show you.
McChurch  I have several different makes including one with a Pusser`s arrow on it from the huss`if (sewing kit to you civvies) that was issued with my kit in 1963.   
Along with a silk, a dirk, a lan`yard, and my bosuns call, it`s all I have left.  Not even a cap tally!  Of course there are some items of "re-allocated" stores, but I`m not telling you about them.
Bentonbag  Huss'if short for housewife, according to my mother
McChurch  Correctamundo, Bosun.