Thursday, 27 February 2020

Hospital log #5

Still in RVI but there is light …
If Ferretfingers wasn’t autistic and didn’t need so much help moving we might have been home a week ago, but there it is.
I’ve managed to get home every other day or so for a bath or shower, walk to the end of the garden and a bit of shifting stuff in the hope we’ll be home soon.
It’s been a pretty awful couple of weeks.  Thank goodness for mobile phones and texts.  I’d have felt completely alone and isolated without them.

At the start of all this I weighed 14st 4lb.  Yesterday afternoon I weighed 13st 13¼lb.  We’ve broken the 14st barrier.  Two years ago I was over 15stone.
Having witnessed, and eaten, hospital meals Fester now knows what a reasonable portion is for an adult.  Hopefully he will stop feeding the boys, and us, quite so much.  I live in hope.
I’ve learnt how lovely Thunderthighs is, and he knows a little of how much he means to me.
Thunderthighs has stepped up and grown up a little.

LITTLE BLACK CLOUDS - 16.00 19.02.20
All is organised.
Equipment in the house.
The OT has done the safety assessment and brought the wheelchair to the hospital.
The home-going ambulance/patient transport is booked.
Then …
A couple turn up from our local authority “Enablement Team”. 
I naively think it’s to organise someone to wash him.
Oh No
“We’re here to see about his re-enablement needs.”
I answer their questions about his daily routine: tell them how he needs prompting to clean his teeth and wash; tell them how he washes himself in his evening bath; tell them he can’t get upstairs to the bathroom because his broken ankle in non-weight-bearing and besides which he can’t get in the bath with a plaster cast on his broken ankle.
“Oh.  It doesn’t look as if, from what you say, that he needs our re-enablement services.”
“So can you say whether or not he can go home?”
“Oh it’s not for us to say, we can only report to the Social Worker.”
“Have you any authority over whether he goes home tomorrow.”
“Oh it’s not for us to say, we can only report to the Social Worker.”
 “Because he is, we are, going home tomorrow whatever any one from Adult Social Care says.”
“Oh it’s not for us to say, we can only report to the Social Worker …”
They leave.
Before ringing to blast Ferretfingers’ ‘Enablement Officer’ (i.e. cheaper than a social worker) I go to see Ward Sister.
“Have those people got any power to stop David going home tomorrow?”
“No they have not.  I have no idea why they were sent.  All I asked for was for someone to come in and wash him.  Anyway, I’m doing all his medications now.  How do you feel about giving him his heparin anti-coagulant injections?”
“Good God no!  I couldn’t do that to him.  I can barely watch!”
“That’s ok; I’ll ring your GP surgery and get a District Nurse to do it.”

Good old local authority Community Learning Disability Team, almost always guaranteed to cause unnecessary distress.

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