Thursday, 4 May 2017

May Day Memory

When I was a morris dancer I would dance at dawn on Newcastle’s Town Moor.  A couple of times I I persuaded Thunderthighs to come with me.  Thanks to facebook timehop here’s what happened in 2009.

Got up at 3.45, got Thunderthighs up, got coffee/gingernuts/juice and then got out to Town Moor to dance at dawn. Lovely red sunrise, real "Rosy fingered dawn has thrown the stone that puts the night to flight" (the Obayat of Omar Kayaam for the non-cognoscenti)

I’m not as erudite as I think I am. "Rosy-fingered Dawn" is an epithet from Homer's Odyssey not the Rubaiyat of Omar Kayaam.
Miss Fiddle - I wouldn't know - I'm even less erudite!
Bentonbag -  I googled
Ms Exlibris -  I don't even know what erudite means
Bentonbag - … and you a trained librarian ...
Ms Exlibris - I only put the books on the shelf I don't read them!
Bentonbag - Do you get stamper's wrist like Phil did?
Ms Exlibris -  Not any more, computers put paid to that but certainly used to. Do you think there is a condition called Librarians wrist?
Bentonbag -  If there's Housemaid's Knee, Tennis Elbow and Jogger's Nipple there certainly should be.

I’ve been wearing a dress today in honour of May Day, but am now going to change into trousers and do some gardening before it rains.
I’ve just had a shouting match with Fester.
Me downstairs trying to ascertain whether Felix is in or out.
Him upstairs thinking I was referring to Ferretfingers.
Culminating in him bellowing
"What's he doing out?"
and me screaming
"He's a bloody cat”

So like the homelife of our own dear Queen ...

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