Friday, 17 August 2018

Death of a laptop

Facebook threw up this memory from two years ago

If anyone is wondering where the wailing and gnashing of teeth is coming from it's Ferretfingers.

He punched his laptop's lights out last night having got frustrated with the wavering wifi link. The laptop died.

This morning he hurled it to the floor with, prior, a shriek and, after, a "woops butterfingers".

It has thus been confiscated and hidden until such time as we can take it to our friendly local computer shop for autopsy and replacement.

Not a happy bunny.

Amongst the wailing from the back bedroom "Da-ad I'm dying"
Me "Well do it quietly"
Fester "Do you want some chicken for tea before you go?"

I have my back to the door and Fester (Fester’s computer is in front of the window, mine the wall at right angles to it).
We hear footsteps from back bedroom to the loo, splashing, flushing then footsteps to office door.
Fester turns to face his son; there is a pause followed by
"Why have you got no clothes on?"
"Well do you want chicken for tea?"

Bazoukiboy:  Re:laptop. I seem to remember Fester being accused of wanton destruction of a balance and disciplinary hearing at which it was (forgive the pun) thrown out. He gets it from him maybe
Bentonbag  I have to confess I have been known to throw the odd item during a fit of temper so I suspect he's got it from both sides.
Mrs Poet You are a wonderful family.

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