Wednesday, 17 April 2019

A woman of many hats

I have just returned from the vets with Teddy the ginger git cat who is allergic to fleas.

He gets great bloody scabs which fall off leaving baldy bits until the fur grows back in – and untended they spread.  We’ve been back and forth to the vets for a couple of months as he has to have steroids to cure it and we are now in the weaning off stage.
Today the vet also checked his teeth for tartar and his ears for wax and mites.
The upshot is I now have to:-
give him half a steroid tablet every other day for a week, then a quarter tablet
put drops in his ears twice a day for the next ten days
clean his teeth twice a week using either a finger brush or a soft baby toothbrush and 
hugely expensive poultry flavoured toothpast.

Our firstborn Ferretfingers had his annual medical last month.
His tummy was tender on the bottom right hand side so the doctor asked about poo and constipation and Ferretfingers said ‘yess’ to a question about blood.
(He has had a crack in the past and I got the joy of putting ointment on his ring).
So now I’m in charge of giving him a laxative drink every other night and keeping a poo diary.
How many poos today?
Did it hurt?
Was there blood?
I shall be typing the results up on a grid shortly.

Ferretfingers also has a build-up of plaque inside his front teeth but cannot stand the dentists cold water pick.  So each month we attend a special clinic where the lovely nurse pick bits of with a metal hooky thing that he’s fine with.  But in between I have to brush his upper and lower front teeth and gums using a special soft brush and non-foaming toothpaste (thankfully free).

He had a blood test at the medical which indicated mild anaemia so we’ve got another appointment to review that.

Both Ferretfingers' and Thunderthighs' weight means they have been referred on an obesity clinic.  Guess who’s going to organise and take them to those sessions. 
And try and ensure they comply.
And nag their father into feeding them a more suitable diet.

Currently the Felix cat and father Fester seem to have no ailments or bodily needs that require my attention.

But it’s only a matter of time.

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