Monday, 27 January 2020

National Holocaust Day

This facebook memory from five years ago seemed apposite for today

Ferretfingers is obsessed by the rolling subtitles on news programmes so insists on having the BBC News channel on (usually with the sound off). Today was not a good day as the BBC seemed obsessed with commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz (and yes I know how historically important it is).

It was a bit of a chaotic teatime what with Willfixit putting up more delft racks and Fester yelling for him from the kitchen. Even so it was startling to say the least to have Ferretfingers ignore his burgers and sit howling in tears at the table.

When I finally got him calmed down enough to speak all he would say, or rather wail while wiping his eye on his sleeve, was "Auschwitz people".

This is particularly poignant to me because the Nazis would have considered my beautiful boy as an untermensch and taken him away to God only knows what form of destruction. Before the Jews and Gypsies, and all the others, they murdered mentally, physically and learning disabled German people and children to purify the Aryan race of weak stock.

Let no one tell you autistic people don't have empathy. 

Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.

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