Sunday, 2 June 2024

Something For The Weekend

From Facebook Archives

2 June 2015 at 22:07
Thunderthighs usually accompanies me on the 'big' shop and this week we had a lot of Tesco extra points coupons.   
Once he'd got all those sorted he asked me 
"Can I get something for the weekend?"
A little surprised I enquired what he meant.
"Oh, you know, food and stuff for meals."
When he came back I asked him if he knew "something for the weekend" is a euphemism.
He knows what a euphemism is, but not what it was.
"Well in the old days when a gentleman had his hair trimmed on a Friday the barber would ask 'Would Sir like something for the weekend?' It's a euphemism for a condom."
"Oh Gawd!" spat out with some disgust.
I'm not sure if he was more horrified at the idea, or that I knew about it, or that I was the one telling him.
A few steps then a very adult and husky "Thanks for that Mum.  I might have put my foot in it."
They never tell you about this sort of things in the baby books!
Drummerman  Would have had to have been a big one, then...
Henlady  Ooh, what a. Wonderful story. I hope it goes in your book. Xx

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