Saturday, 6 August 2016

Well what is it then?

Facebook recently brought up this memory and conversation from 11 June 2010

According to Tesco watercress is not a vegetable.

AH: What is it then - according to Tesco?

KT:  It's a salad. Not a salad vegetable, just a salad. We've noticed that before - if you have a voucher saying 'spend £3 on vegetables' then everything salad is excluded...

Bentonbag: That's it. I had a “25points if you spend £1 on vegetables” voucher, saw a bag of watercress for £1 and thought "get in". The woman at the til was fine "I could have fiddled it if it had been money but not points." There was too big a cue at customer services for me to go and argue the point. I do like watercress though - and I shall get their cheapest carrots the next time I'm in.

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