Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Everyday Sexism

From Facebook Archives

11 March 2013 at 17:54
Feel quite useful having spent the afternoon designing an information sheet and flipchart/posters for the launch of LD:North East User & Carer Forum on Thursday.
Simplifying the language to make it accessible for people with learning disabilities means you have to really understand what you're trying to say.
Also learnt that Clipart is really sexist.
All images of business meetings mostly comprise men in suits, but all typists are female unless they're using a computer.
Bess Cavalier  Bet they're making the coffee as well!


Monday, 10 March 2025

His Redeeming Feature

From Facebook Archives
10 March 2017 at 23:31
Miss Doozer!
Do you remember the fun we had getting pills and medicine down Matilda?
Teddy will take almost anything wrapped in cheese, Ardennes pate or chewsticks.
Today was Comfortis anti-flea day. 
The tablet is as big as an old fashioned asprin and brown.   
I put it in his food while he was having breakfast.   
He looked at it askance.  
So I pulled it out and laid it on top of the food. 
He sniffed and ate it, crunching it with some relish.
I don't care how much of a little sod he is - and he is - he has Thunderthighs dancing by biting his toe whenever he has bare feet - I love him.

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Plus Ca Change

As they say in French France.
From Facebook Archives
9 March 2022 at 10:40
Feel free to share.
Late today as David had an appointment with the dental nurse; then I took him to the Rising Sun Farm and had a little walk to find where the lads were working.
It looks lovely out there but it's nithering in the wind and/or out of the sun.
Oh, and according to an Indian sounding lady purporting to be phoning from Windows Security Department's windowless office in Regent Street London, all my computers' Windows software are going to be cancelled and I'm not going to be able to use them.


Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Subtle And Airy Fairy

Nothing in the Facebook Archives for today, but two for tomorrow.

I shall have to be out sharp tomorrow so here’s a double helping, 
half of which is a day early.

7 March 2024 at 10:19

Sitting here last night I commented "It's Mother's Day on Sunday."
"Oh good, I didn't know that ... What have you run out of?"
"Baileys ... and there's no gin left either."
Sometimes 'subtle as a flying mallet' is the only way to go.

7 March 2024 at 19:11

Tea tonight was pie and peas.  
He has a small tin of mushy and I one of marrowfat.   
I answer the call to the kitchen.   
There are two mismatched plates on the surface next to the cooker.   
The Pukkah (we're being posh on special offer) pies are brought out of the oven and tipped out of their foil cases on to the plates.   
Then he takes a long handled colander to the sink, pours the pan of peas into it to drain and dumps them unceremoniously next to my pie.
"You can take the lad out of Sheffield..." I remark.
"It's Thursday" he replies "We don't do airy fairy on Thursday."