Tuesday, 23 June 2020

The Things You Find!

Ferretfingers’ infected scar popped over the weekend (Saturday night after his bath) releasing some blood and clear yellow liquid.

At first I covered it with a large Elastoplast strip.

Then I remembered the dressings left over from when Fester’s elbow festered.

I climbed up on a chair to search the appropriate shelf in the (cool and dark) bedroom cupboard and found a lot of suitable dressings still in their unopened packaging: which saved me a trip to Lloyds Pharmacy.

On the past two evenings, after his bath, I have cleaned Ferretfingers' wound with salty boiled water and cotton wool and covered it with gauze, held in place with micropore tape, to keep muck out. The redness has almost entirely gone from his shin and it and he looks a lot better.  He also seems a lot more cheerful in himself, so the infection may have been developing for some time.  He will, of course, finish the course of anti-biotics and I shall be sending a progress photo to his GP.

Digging out the dressings I also found:-

2 boxes of plasters

A page from the Sunday Times January 29th 1978 containing an article about Gareth Edwards fiftieth cap for Wales (from Dad?)

A card acknowledging sympathies expressed on the death my oldest best friend’s grandma, November 1979.

A letter from my catechist Miss E Curtis who used to live in the Carmelite Convent in Llandovery; undated but it must have been before 1973 as it mentions studying ‘Caesar Julius’ so predating my GCE O’levels (much to my surprise I actually passed Latin O’level).

Her letter also contains the sentence    “I wonder if the Common Market will affect Britain’s religious outlook – we’ll have more contact with Catholics.”  Now there’s a point for the historians to chew over.

A certificate outlining my Christian responsibilities on becoming God-daughter’s godmother on 7th January 1990; I must admit that, with the possible exception of #2, I've failed to live up to them.

And a 1940 florin (2 shilling coin for post-decimal readers).

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