Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Afternoon Drinking

Eight years ago Fester’s younger brother, Stephen, died of natural causes, suddenly, unexpectedly, unmarried, childless and intestate. 

As his closest living relative it was down to Fester to sort out his estate. 

Naturally I helped.

Friends like these on Facebook helped me:  Tylebach Mawr was a schoolmate from infants to sixthform, Ms Exlibris dates from university days.

24 June 2012 at 15:25  

Feeling a little hollow after going through Stephen's paperwork with Fester sorting out the stuff he needs to take to the solicitors.  Pity it's a bit early for gin o'clock

Tylefach Mawr Needs must sometimes Benton - I don't think half three is too early for an apres lunch tipple

Ms Exlibris Nor do I.  It's Sunday - we used to start drinking at noon!

Bentonbag God Bless You both.  Were we talking beer or real ale there'd be no problem (in fact it would probably be fitting seeing as Stephen was an authority).  But spirits!  So early in the day!  Seems so louche!  Even in the Chaplaincy-Royal Archer-St Toms-Duke of Welly days we didn't start on the spirits until after Evensong.

Tylefach Mawr Start singing then! 😜

Ms Exlibris You are in that happy age...drinking gin in the afternoon in your 30's and you are on the road to bring a drunk. At 65 you're a red faced alcoholic pensioner. In your 50's you can do what you like and don't have to answer to anyone!

Bentonbag Oh yes I do - I have a 15 year old son. It's like living with a cross between the Taliban and my mother - no singing, no dancing, no loud music, "Where you going?" "What's that?" "What time are you/Dad getting back?" "Where've you been?" "What time do you call this?" "Who was/is that on the 'phone/at the door?" - if I crack open the gin now he'll give me the skunk eye and think I'm on the road to perdition ...

Ms Exlibris Tell him sometimes even mothers can be naughty!

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