Friday, 20 May 2016

Farewell Reverend Paisley

First posted March 2008 - an alias has been used to protect the guilty

Hearing on the News at Ten that the Reverend Ian Paisley is retiring (an oxymoron if there ever was one) reminded me of an incident with a fellow Catholic friend of mine a few years ago when the boys were small.

Mrs Leftfooter had three children at the time, who were not in a Catholic school and she was wondering about putting her eldest forward for instruction and first communion.  One evening, in the pub after TyneBridge Morris practice (see there is a link to morris dancing), she asked me what I thought.

Number Two Son had just been diagnosed as autistic, meaning both my beautiful boys were on the spectrum.  It was at the height of the MMR vaccine argument.  My faith was never particularly strong, but that was when it withered away entirely.

“I don’t think I’m the right person to ask” I said “I don’t think I even want to believe in God any more.  I mean what sort of god allows scientists, with the best will in the world and full of good intentions to prevent disease and disability, what sort of god allows them to produce something that can cause something as heartbreaking and life limiting as autism?”

Seeing I was getting both ‘heavy’ and upset Mrs Leftfooter leant forward, put her hand on my arm, looked me firmly in the eye and said …

“Ian Paisley’s God Brenda.”

Being one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard - making me laugh out loud.

It was also a vile calumny on the Reverend Ian Paisley and his god.  Although I’ve never shared his faith or any of his political views and beliefs there’s always been something I liked about Ian Paisley.  Maybe it’s the stubbornness, maybe it’s the charm, but at heart he seems to be a kind man (however mistaken).  Even when he’s been talking what I believe to be arrant, divisive, dangerous nonsense, I’ve still enjoyed listening to it.  His wit and attitude has always made me smile and I shall miss him. 

If nothing else he was entertaining.  Not like the majority of mealy-mouthed politicians who seem to say whatever they think will advance their career within the party.  A straight talking politician, who honestly speaks his or her mind, even if it is a narrow and possibly unattractive one, is a rare beast indeed.

Enjoy your retirement Reverend and, as another famous Irishman used to say, may your god go with you.

The Reverand Ian Paisley passed away in September 2014

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