Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Morris Golfers?

First posted May 2008 
Yesterday Fester, the boys and I went for a day out to Whitby on the train.  We returned via the Esk Valley line and then the line from Middlesbrough to Newcastle via Sunderland.  This takes you along the coast for much of the way.

Looking out of the window I noticed a fairly barren, windblown links golf course and wondered why on earth anyone would want to be out there trying to knock a small ball into a slightly larger hole.

“You know” I commented to Fester “I can never see the attraction of golf.”
“Well” he replied “I don’t suppose many golfers see the attraction of morris dancing.”

Which lead us to wonder how many, if any, people there are who both play golf and morris dance (not at the same time of course).  The two sets of people seem to have no common members.   
A Venn diagram of golfers and morris dancers would probably look like the end of a pair of binoculars.  Or just possibly a figure eight on its side.

I don’t know of one morris dancer who plays golf.  None of the few golfers in my family or of my acquaintance dance morris – or much else as far as I know.

Am I right that there are no morris dancers who play golf and visa versa?
And if so why?

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