Saturday, 30 December 2023

Twixtmas Shopping

It has become traditional for Thunderthighs and me to visit the charity shops on Shields Road, Byker, between Christmas and New Year to stock up on next year’s cards at half price.

We also pick up anything else which might be useful.
Yesterday we had a good haul.
In Barnardo’s: 30 cards, mostly nativity but some not; recycled Xmas wrapping paper; a 40th birthday gift for his cousin.  I won some Christmas placemats and Thunderthighs won a metal teapot, jug and sugar bowl set, in their tombola.  He says I can have it; it will be ideal for Covens and other trips away.
Next to Veterans at Ease; no cards but a 60th birthday gift for my cousin, and he spotted the ideal wedding anniversary gift from me for Fester.  It was a ‘limited edition’ Christmas plate dated 1979, which was when we first met…
There were no Christmas cards in the Salvation Army either, but we did get a couple of greetings cards.
In Marie Curie; 20 cards, nativity and Marie Curie Nurse Angel.  Thunderthighs won a lovely faux snakeskin handbag with ‘gold’ clasp and chain on the tombola, which I suspect will find its way into another one in the near future.

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