Sunday, 27 August 2023

Approaching Autumn

Tomorrow sees us travelling down to the Land of My Fathers for the last week of meteorological summer. Apart from a couple of things we’d like to do we have very little planned.
Don’t expect another blog for a little while.

From Facebook Archives...

27 August 2013

Today's domestic goddess schedule: bath; load washer; dishes; mow lawn; bring in and hang out washing; take blackberries to neighbours as we have lots and lots.
Bess Cavalier  I've got a similar itinerary, including collecting the cat from his holidays. The calendar at work lists this as 'holiday leave'?!
Blackberries? Ours are still green and show no signs of ripening. Captain Cavalier goes and checks them every day - it's about the only job he will do in the garden, pick the blackberries.
Bentonbag  It's what comes of having a wild/neglected garden and a pet entomologist. Also we have a cultivated thornless one (have forgotten the name!) which is the most rampant thing I've met but has thumbsized and very tasty fruit. It's growing next to the fence with the tomato and courgette tubs next to it so it gets all the nutrients that run out of the bottom when we water them. Himself has been picking blackberries from there, and the hedgerows, for a month or so. Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall's currant sorbet is simple and works for blackberries too - especially if you add a slug of a friend's home-made blackberry wine.
Darklady  Sounds divine can you spare a few Blackberries for me? x
Bentonbag Come and get 'em - frozen or pick your own.
Darklady  I'll pick my own if you don't mind thanks. Are you still opposite the shops near the Tesco garage. What's the street & number please? x
Bentonbag I'll message you.
Fester says the blackberry is called Loch Ness, which explains the monster fruit.
Drummerman do you want some?  
Blackberries that is ....
Drummerman  Yes please. Would you like any apples?  We've got a bumper crop, although I can't give you crabs this year.
Bentonbag  We've got some lovely red crabs of our own coming along but yes please to your apples too as our Ferretfingers loves the jelly.

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