Thursday, 21 September 2023

The Rington's Man

From Facebook Archives…

21 September 2022 at 13.38
Today is Rington's man day but, 
as is often the case, Fester is out.  
I spot the van, go to the doorstep and say 
"He'll be back about 4 o'clock and he'll be buying chocolates because it's my birthday on Friday."
"What do you like?"
"Chocolate coated almonds."
"And brazil nuts?
"Ooh! Even better."
"I'll make sure I've got some left."
Sometimes you have to drop hints in other places.
McChurch  What’s a Ringtons man then?
Kippa  A man who delivers Rington's Tea.
McChurch  So what’s he doing with choccie Brazil’s?
Bentonbag  Oh he has all sorts of wonderful naughty things to accompany the hot beverages he brings in his van.  It's a mobile Aladdin's cave of naughty but nice: diabetes on wheels.
McChurch  Oh right, so it’s doorstep sales, like the Corona guys of old.  Brilliant.
Bentonbag They also sometimes do china tea/coffee sets and have their own version of willow pattern (or at least they used to).
Bess Cavalier  I've got a couple of their blue and white China pieces inherited from my late mother-in-law.
Mrs Quilt  They issue commemorative plates each year.
Bentonbag  Don't tell Fester!
Mr StBernard  I love their chocolate coated brazils - one of the highlights of Xmas
Bentonbag  If I'm not careful I can eat a packet in one sitting and a box in two.
Mr StBernard  Same
Erica  Ginger biscuits a favourite in our house!

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Not That Cunning

From Facebook archives
20 September 2013 at 10:06 
On Friday Ferretfingers is supposed to have a fitness and exercise session in the college's Dance Studio.
However to Ferret dance=music=intolerable, 
and he didn't believe them when they said there was no music.
So last week I was rung late morning because "Ferretfingers's been to the toilet three times and has a poorly tummy".
I was dubious but went and fetched him.
Yesterday I got a call from his tutor 
"Ferretfingers tells me he's going to have a poorly tummy tomorrow and will be going home early."
Cunning - but not that cunning.

The Washer

Some people, when buying whitegoods, expend a vast amount of time and effort looking through things like Which reports, scouring websites or visiting numerous retailers.
From Facebook archives...
19 September 2019 at 15:52 
The washer has died.
During its final rinse this morning it went from the normal fairly thunderous rumbling to a squealing, shuddering stop, with smoke and a nasty rubbery smell.
Turned it off at the wall and eventually (after a few scientifically applied kicks and punches) the door unlocked and I got the washing out.
Fester came downstairs and agreed the washer was dead.
It's more than 6 years old, which is twice that in a normal household.
After Ferretfingers came home and we'd had lunch we got the 55 to Haymarket and went into John Lewis.
Looked at a few models and decided to get the updated version of the John Lewis one we have.
Spoke to the assistant.
Fester got his card out and paid.
And we came home on the next 55 to leave Haymarket.

That, dear reader, is why I love him.

Sunday, 10 September 2023

God Save Us All ...

… from media overkill

From Facebook Archives
10 September 2022 at 10.46 
Ferretfingers is having a hard time coping with all the changes to the tv schedule.   
He spent most of last night in his room where he could go on channels that didn't have wall to wall monarchy.  Sometimes the only way to communicate with him is in writing.
While we're at it. Has anything else happened in the world?   
There appears to have been a news blackout.  I'd quite like to know what's going on in Ukraine, Russia, USA, Pakistan, China or anywhere else.  I know there's nothing much 
I can do about it but I'd just like to know if someone's about to drop a bomb on us.   
At the very least it would give me an excuse not to bother with the dishes, and drink all the sherry.
Miss Doozer  I've not switched the TV on since.  iPlayer radio was not much help either as it was literally just queen queen queen queen queen for 24 hours.  You spun the dial and it was just the same thing on every channel.
I am actually not ok with it right now.  I know there's got to be a king and all, but I am not really over the queen (she did a lot for lost causes and I think she was a good woman) and I don't really like the way the monarchy as a whole behaves (the duchies, the hunting and shooting, the taking money from dodgy individuals, etc) and I am going to the cricket this afternoon and they will play the national anthem and that upsets me too.
Because I am not yet over the queen.
And I don't know the words anymore.
Give Ferretfingers a hug from me.
Bentonbag  There are many verses. My mother's and my favourite is
"Oh Lord our God arise
Scatter her/his enemies
And make them fall.
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On thee-ee our hopes we fix
God Save Us All"
and yes I know the second line has a weird rhyme - en-ur-mise?
Miss Doozer  Enurmise with the u sounded the same as the U in Engurland.
Anyway, rebellious Scots etc...
Woolerwoman  Fantastic writing.
Squireen  I am with Ferretfingers.  All the major broadcasters have multiple feeds.   
Why don’t they use the less popular ones?  People may then use them.
Paganess  I haven't got an issue with it on the day she died, after all, she had reigned for 70 years, even give time to King Charles speech and the funeral but, not the continued 24 hour coverage.
Doesn't really affect us as we very rarely watch terrestrial TV!
Mrs Lasagne  It’s so hard for our children to understand what is happening xxx