Sunday, 9 February 2025

Holiday Home Hiring


As there’s been so little of any use recently, and leap years come around so infrequently, I thought I’d use this memory of many years ago.

When our holidays involve a stay of more than a couple of nights we hire a holiday cottage as it’s just more relaxing than hotel rooms and cafes.   

This was especially so when the boys were children.   
I would always explain that they were autistic and boisterous and most people were kind and accommodating.   
In fact there was only one …

From Facebook Archives

29 February 2012 at 20.18
One door opens ....
Last week I thought I'd booked a cottage in Barmouth for October half term.
Today the woman sent my cheque back because I'd warned her about the boys, their size and problem and she didn't want to risk it.
But I've just had an email from another cottage, much better placed for us, right in the middle of the town, near the station, with a bedroom for each of the boys, at the same price, who I've given exactly the same information to, who are happy to have us, will shift anything they think is in danger/dangerous, and sound really nice.
Bentonbag is smiling, and Fester says "You're really good at organising stuff like that" so a rare positive reinforcement there too.
Paganess  How sad that there are people who still feel the need to discriminate like this and are allowed to get away with it
Bentonbag  I put it down to fear and ignorance.  But I'd rather stay with someone welcoming and unafraid any time.
Mercy Dunn  That's cool!  I mean I suppose if the woman has loads of those little china things in glass cases and antique wooden furniture one could understand - but she'd be an idiot having a self-catered cottage with all that nonsense in it.  Glad you got a good one in the end
Bentonbag  Actually it was an apartment above her flat and it did have loads of nick nacks and antiquey stuff in - "some of sentimental value".  Looked very nice and twee on the photos.  So Mercy I don't think she's going to be a happy and successful holiday home letter.  Plus she's out £300.
Mercy Dunn  Ha! I see.

DauDrws was one of the quaintest and tiniest cottages we’ve ever stayed in.  It was actually two tinier cottages knocked together; hence the name meaning ‘two doors’.  The front door was a step down from the street and Fester scraped his head almost every day.

The owner appeared to be a collector of brass door knockers.  Every door, including cupboards, had a knocker.  Lying in bed one morning I wondered what was wierd about the bedroom door; then realised it had a knocker on the inside.

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