Wednesday, 12 February 2025

My First Picture Pullover

Older readers may remember there was a fashion in the 70s and 80s for picture jumpers and fair-isle pullovers.  We’d call it retro these days and it was probably inspired by the original 
All Creatures Great And Small tv series.
Having made my then boyfriend a sleeveless pullover a la Peter Davison, and seen my flatmate’s picture jumper patterns I realised all you needed was a basic garment pattern, some graph paper and a little application.
From Facebook Archives.
12 February 2021
Looking through an old album for something else (Cwmifor CP School photos) I found this.   
It is my brother wearing the first sleeveless pullover I made with a picture I'd designed myself on it.   
I was working at Martin Tait Advertising at the time and got one of the graphic designers to put the outlines of a Spitfire onto graph paper for me.   
The clouds are actually fluffy white yarn.  
I didn't have the confidence to attempt RAF roundels though.   
This must be Christmas 1983 or 84.   
I believe he still has the pullover and claims it still fits.
Definitely before your time Miss Beardsley.  Not fairisle but definitely 80s.
Miss Beardsley  This is WONDERFUL
Mrs Lasagne  Ben you are so talented xx
Mab Merchcino  Cannot remember your brother
Bentonbag  He's 14 years older than me and went to join the RAF in 1960 so wasn't around much when we were children.  He lives in Barry and he and my sister-in-law were the ones who took on all the bureaucracy of looking after Mum and Dad when they became frail and had to go into Awel Tywi.
Mab Merchcino  Never thought there was a brother is he still with us, as my sister is with us but on her terms
Bentonbag  Oh yes, he and his wife are safe and well (I hope) and still live in Barry.  He's gone to look very much like my Dad since getting older.  My sisters and their husbands are all safe and well too.  Bigsister is a grandma now, her daughter had a baby girl who will be 3 in May.  Strange to think I'm a great aunt, it's given me a taste for sweet sherry.
Woolerwoman  Clever design beautifully executed.x
Cousin Daisy  Stunning Ben.  No wonder he looks so delighted. Unique xx
Bentonbag  And yet again someone (Mrs Leftfoot) says "Oh you don't half look like your brother".  Something I've heard all my life.  I'm told I'm like him in other ways too.
Margaret Nichol  It's the smile!


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