Wednesday 9 October 2024

Two Green Tomato Tales

From Facebook Archives

9 October 2011 at 23:03

Fester has picked our first ripe outdoor tomato!

Tylebach Any green ones?
Bentonbag  Not many - certainly not enough to make chutney - Fester says he likes them fried and he's welcome to them. 
To be fair the tomatoes on the windowsill are well over 6ft (pushing the top of the bay) and we're picking half a dozen cherry tomatoes off them every few days since August. 
But it's been a funny year.

9 October 2019 at 15:40

The other day Fester picked 7lb of green tomatoes and we are now making chutney.   
Thing is, rather than doing 2 batches we're doing it in one big batch which is just silly.   
Because 7lb of tomatoes requires the same weight of apples, also onions, also dried fruit, also sugar, half a gallon of vinegar and large amounts of spices.  
It's a big jam pan but I've spent most of this afternoon stirring it to get enough liquid boiled off to get all the fruit in.  
My feet ache.
Ferretfingers just came into the kitchen and said "Stink".
Remind me never to go along with one of his daft time saving plans again.

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