Monday 14 October 2024

Concertina Time

During the pandemic LD:NorthEast organised a weekly zoom meeting of all their service users to keep people in touch.   

Ferretfingers would log in, shout ‘hello’ to one of his friends, then abandon it after five minutes.  I would then feel guilty, put on the headphones and join in. 
The Big Wednesday Conversation had a number of benefits.   
One was that some of the service users got used to my face and voice a lot better than they would have in normal times, when we only bump into each other occasionally whenever we happen to be in the office at the same time.  
This means one person who suffers from Situational Mutism became comfortable enough to talk easily when I’m around.   
Another young lady has told me things about being autistic than have helped me hugely in understanding my boys.  She’s even recommended ear defenders and plugs and useful books.
I also ended up making a knee blanket for one of the service user’s aged uncle.
From Facebook Archives
14 October 2020
In the LDNE zoom meeting this afternoon the talk got around to musical instruments so I got out Granma's concertina to show them, and left the box out.   
Come bedtime I thought "I wonder if I might be able to pick out some Christmas tunes on it." 
Ferretfingers had his computer turned off and was up the stairs in record time ...
Worked even better than singing Bread ofHeaven at him.

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