Sunday, 17 November 2024

Cold Cure

From Facebook Archives
17 November 2014 at 09:57
Full of lurgie.
Sneezing myself inside out, full of snot, sore throat, cough, runny eyes, achy shoulders and running hot and cold.
Mr Mull  You take care - get them all to wait on you (as if).
Bazoukiboy  The thought of being looked after by the boys... 😃
Miss Fiddle  Look after yourself and try and get the others to....
Mrs Treasurer  Missed you at the 'photo shoot' this morning*. Hope you are feeling better soon.x
Bess Cavalier  Look after yourself. You need to be well again by Friday!
Mrs Treasurer - I was really looking forward to it but didn't think it would be fair to risk giving this to any of the kids, or adults for that matter.\
Bess  - I'm stuffing myself full of clementines and drinking gallons of herb tea with honey.
And if that doesn't work I'm going for Granma's raw onion sandwich cure.
Mrs Lasagne  Oh horrible get well soon Ben xxx
FifoD  Another cure is to have an onion half beside where you sleep.. To absorb the germs as you breath x
KA Will NOT see you at The Mayors listening event for carers tomorrow, I hope!!! stay where it's warm and get better soon.x
*The PTA had raised enough funds for Woodlawn school to take delivery of a new Sunshine Coach.

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