Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Knee Problem In Lockdown

From Facebook Archives

12 November 2020 at 15.50
Finally decided the pain in my knee wasn't going to go away without help (6 weeks) so this morning emailed my GP surgery outlining what was wrong and asking for an appointment or, if necessary, an examination.  Within two hours the surgery receptionist rang me to say they'd made me a telephone appointment with a physiotherapist.   
Two hours later he rang, with the notes from the last time my knee flared up in front of him, and we had a long talk.  He has given advice and emailed me information and exercise sheets.
Sometimes the NHS works really well.
I wonder how much that would have cost in America, or if it would have been done as simply and efficiently.
Mrs Lasagne  I hope it settles Ben xxx
Mr Mull  Take care of yourself Ben - rest and recuperation called for - but those will be rare visitors in your usual day.
Miss Drew  Wow.  Do you have atheistic knees like me?
Bentonbag  The right one was always a bit dodgy.  It gave way a couple of times when I was turning fast dancing.  It lets me know when bad weather's on the way.
Miss Drew  Arthritic
Bentonbag  I think they must be atheistic, they don't like kneeling much.
Miss Drew  Mine hate it!
Mrs Poet  Knees down, Mother Brown. Rest up!


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