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Facebook Messenger Mon28/Tues29 January 2019
Miss Doozer* Mon 12:12 - Was it one of your menfolk shouting at the police
helicopter last night?
Gave me a right
Slept with my epee next to the bed just
in case......because a sword with a button on the end is more comforting than
no sword at all...
Bentonbag Mon 15:15 - Not that I noticed - mind you I never noticed the
police helicopter either. Ferretfingers does
make a lot of strange noises though.
Miss Doozer Mon 16:23 - Oh it was a big shout
"Just Go Away" - I
thought we were about to become a story on crime watch!
Bentonbag Tues 08:29 - Mystery solved - it was Thunderthighs.-
I did
ask him why he had shouted at the police helicopter but all I got was “why
can’t they use drones?” and “why do they have to be so loud?”
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