Thursday, 18 April 2024

Loft Extension

As I may have mentioned previously, 2012 was our Annus Horribilis.
One good thing was getting the loft extension made so Thunderthighs could have his own room. 
It seemed fitting that my share of the old family home (Dad died April 2011) should be used to benefit a new family home.   
But having major reconstruction creates quite a lot of stress – as it turned out it was just background music to everything else that happened that year.
Here’s how it all started.
Thank fully no one could accuse me of being house proud.
18 April 2012 at 10:25

Loft extension work has commenced.  
Plumbers are here draining central heating, pulling out things, making holes in other things.   
Everything has been moved away from the radiators, half the contents of the kitchen have been moved and will need to be moved somewhere else soon so they can make more holes, half the contents of the cwchdanstar* are in the living room.  
No going back now .... ðŸ˜¯
StBernard Good luck x

Dulcima  Good luck indeed!  We're in the process of doing up the kitchen, and the dust has given me a severe attack of hay fever symptoms.  Have finally admitted defeat, and am seeing the quack on Friday.
Bentonbag  The question is: should I stay here upstairs out of the way wondering what all the bangs and clatters are, or go down and find out?
At least there's no drilling - so far.
Mr Melodeon  It always feels like an alien take over Ben.  Usual symptoms are: lump in throat, heightened awareness of noise & visions of a cascading bank balance.   
All normal & worth it in the end!  Think calm, calm, calm. 😄
Bentonbag  At the moment we have electricity and cold water: the old hot water tank and boiler are gone; the new boiler is up, as are the new bathroom towel rail and new radiator in the upstairs loo; the central heating pump has been replaced (new hole).   
So it's fan heater, hot water bottles and a stand up wash for the boys tonight.   
And tomorrow Will Fixit is threatening to arrive and put a hole in the stairwell ceiling whilst Bobthafitta will be putting holes in walls and elsewhere to bring the new gaspipe through.
Henlady Worth it when it is done!!!!!!!


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