Thursday 11 July 2024

Eavesdrop And Malaprop

From Facebook Archives
11 July 2012 at 14:45
Just overheard in the Post Office:-
Geordiegirl#1 "Can you change this to English money?"
Geordiegirl#2 "What else is she going to do?  Change it to China money?  Do they even have money in China?”
The above reminds me of when Bigbrother’s mother-in-law passed away and her spin-dryer found its way into Mother’s kitchen.   
Mum had a 1950s Hoover washing machine, with an integral mangle whose rollers were so worn that nothing less than an inch thick could be wrung out with it.   
This was Christmas 1975.   
In the 1970s, children, it was quite usual to have a separate washing machine and spinner (even after someone invented the twin-tub).  Spinners were cylinders a couple of feet high which would sometimes wander around the floor as they worked.   
This one was so noisy Dad christened it Concorde.   
Middlesister, Mum and I were sitting up late chatting (and probably eating chocolate) on one of those nights between Christmas and New Year.   
“That spinner of Mrs P’s” said Middlesister “is it electric?”
“Yes” replied Mum, then a moment later, scathingly “What did you expect it to be?  Gas?!”
“No!” retorted Middlesister indignantly “I thought it might be a wrangler.”

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