Saturday, 6 July 2024

The Inverness Problem

From Facebook Archives
6 July 2021 at 09:03
There seems to be a theme developing this week ...
Thanks Sheamus Murphy for accessing the archive for me, and Drummerman for emailing another useful item for future use.
Jay Mural  Even us smaller ladies have bounce trouble after having kids!
Drummerman  Of course no one considers the trauma of band members having to keep dodging...
Mrs Leftfoot  You should be so lucky...
Drummerman  All fun & games until someone loses an eye…
Miss Doozer  First time on a horse in my... Adult... frame - necessitated an immediate post-ponysquashing trip for some high impact structural engineering and some equally fearsome padded ladypants (to avoid The Inverness Problem) Haven't looked back.
Bentonbag  I'm intrigued by yet frightened to ask about The Inverness Problem.
Miss Doozer  The name derives from an ancient thread on Chronicles of Horse - the full thread title gives you an idea of the contents: Practical Protection for Private Parts - or - "Get Thee to a Nunnery"
Drummerman  I have to confess to googling it. Thought it might be to do with the creation of the Irish Free State (The Inverness Conference).
Bentonbag  Drummerman I wondered when you'd chip in. Miss Doozer just explained it to me over the garden fence, with any luck there was nobody in the gardens behind, or the shrubbery deaden the conversation.  Actually, I was wondering why McChurch hasn't asked to have it explained, him living in Scotland and all.
Drummerman  Another friend has been expounding on similar problems from lady cyclists. Look, I’m married to a nurse and have been in the band for three female Morris sides - I’m no stranger to this sort of discussion.  Anyway, blokes have their sensitivities too, you know.
McChurch  I am not going to demean myself with such smut. I have a reputation to maintain.

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