Saturday 27 July 2024

The Eye Of A Storm: part two

Some regular readers may be concerned that there’s been a hiatus in posts.
Further to my previous post ...

SMS Text messages 15/07/2024
13.09 Bentonbag: He has an appointment with a consultant at 08.30 tomorrow morning.
13.14 Miss Doozer: Shall I keep Ferretfingers company whilst you take Fester to the hospital?
13.15 Miss Doozer: Parking will be a bastard by the way as the congregations are on.  I’m happy to shout you a taxi both ways.
13.16 Bentonbag: I think he’s planning on the metro
13.17 Miss Doozer: Can he even see? 
13.17 Miss Doozer: I think a taxi might be safer, given his current love affair with tarmac.*
13.19 Bentonbag: He’s got one good eye and new shoes.
13.20 Miss Doozer: Be better with a white cane and a dog.
13.20 Bentonbag: I did mention a taxi but he harrumphed.
13.21 Miss Doozer: Well so be it.
13.21 Miss Doozer: Let me know what help you need and when.
13.22 Bentonbag: Will do.  Thanks

Facebook Messenger 15 July 2024

14.01 Bentonbag:  Can we take you up on the offer to sit with Ferretfingers?  If I give Fester a lift in we'll need to leave at 07.45.  Thunderthighs leaves early for Hextol.  Ferretfingers doesn't get up until about 8.30 on a Tuesday so I should be back in time to take him to Ouseburn.
14.51 Miss Doozer:  Yes, shall I come over for 7.30?  What time do you go to Ouseburn?
Also any breakfast requirements/tea/coffee and toast. I mean he seems like a fairly self-reliant lad.
15.14 Bentonbag:  That would be great.  I aim to leave for Ouseburn about 10.  Ferretfingers gets himself up and I give him a glass of fruit juice and a banana for breakfast.  Thunderthighs leaves about 7.30.

Facebook 16 July 2024 at 16.31

Up at 7 to leave 7.30ish to drive to RVI (thanks Miss Doozer for Ferretfingers minding). 
Big queue at junction of Claremont Rd and Hunters Rd so slip into back streets to get to Richardson Rd via Morpeth St.  
Foiled as that is gridlocked too.   
We're early enough for Fester to get out and walk, so he does.  
I do a Uey and get home so quickly Ferretfingers is only just stirring and Miss Doozer enquires whether I have a Tardis or reckless disregard for speed cameras.
The consultant says that there is no sign of a retinal tear but he has had a bleed which should clear over time.  He has an appointment in a fortnight's time; at 9.30 and Ouseburn isn't on so we can shove Ferretfingers in the car and then take him somewhere else (or that's the plan).
They did an ECG, blood pressure etc on Sunday (protocol in A&E for oldies) and all is well.
He's now doing stir fry veg with noodles for tea.
Ms Mininglibrarian  Is he banned from squinting at tiny print in old mining records for a bit or good to go?
Bentonbag  He'd have been down yesterday morning if it hadn't been for the drop dilated pupils and being forced to get up at 7.
Burney  Phew!!
Henlady   That’s good news x
Miss Doozer  Glad to hear that usual service will be restored shortly
Mrs Whyte  That's great news
Mrs Poet  All is well - one of the loveliest phrases in the language
Bazoukiboy  Good news

*See Oh No Not Again

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