Friday, 29 November 2024

The Auctioneer's Song

From Facebook Archive

29 November 2022 at 16.29
I'm nithered. Just spent the best part of two hours enabling Ferretfingers woodcarving (or in his case stripping logs of bark) at Ouseburn Farm OUTDOORS. I was prepared with thermal vest, thick shirt, loose woolly jumper (to trap air), hoodie, coat, hat and gloves.
We've been shopping in Sainsbury's, I've had a cup of coffee and I'm still cold.
Next week I'm donning Phil's old longjohns (wot he wore to play in Tynemouth Station market in the winter) and I don't care who knows it.
Shipskitchen  Ah! So that’s how he was warm enough and I wasn’t!  The monkey!
Ms Delune  Ah yes. I have announced to the family that this is the last year of me being the token female carnival role: if this stupid hobby means performing outdoors in pouring rain in November then it’s gender neutral and 80 bloody layers, not cheap satin and bare arms!
Bentonbag  Damart do some remarkably pretty undergarments.  Well, lacy at the neck and sleeves anyway.  And in interesting colours.  I'm particularly fond of my magenta long sleeved v-neck vest.
Ms Delune  Magenta would have been good- had a white thermal but kept showing even though pinned in place. Next year I’ve given myself the warm costume- my turn!
Burney  I thought about him today when for no apparent reason "The Greatest Auctioneer" came into my head. (it may not be called that)
Bentonbag  It's in mine now! George Welch wrote it.  Bits of the lyrics are coming back to me
“When I was just a little kid
My father said "Now look here Sid
I want for you to be an auctioneer"
I thought it strange cos my name's Bert
But I didn't want my daddy hurt
So off I went to be an auctioneer.
We went to the auction mart
Me arse was bruised on the old ranch cart
I thought I'd never have straight sex again
Did you?
...... The only other lines I remember are:-
"I sold the chickens on the ranch
Sold Uncle Jed and Auntie Blanche”
You'll have to fill the rest in for yourself.
Burney  Reminds me of the Broken Doll as well.
Bentonbag  Ah yes. I'll never forget when the audience laughed out loud at the third verse of Ninestone Toyboy, which I'd written.  Wonderful feeling to make a whole room laugh; I know why standups do it.
Also when they sang "Why? Why? Why? Delilah" and the room, as one man, went 
"da da dada dada da" and both Phil and George corpsed and had to start again.
Burney  I remember either Phil or George saying to a little boy that was there 
"go and tell your mam she wants you".  Also lots of one line ‘songs’ like “hebburn must be missing an angel”, “hebburn I'm in hebburn”,”three steps to hebburn”. but lots!
Bentonbag  That was George.
 “There's a lady who goes
All the way down Shields Road
And she's buying a carpet in Beavans”
(although I think that one might be credited to Mr Whyte)
“Knock knock knockin on Bevans' door.”
And of course their famous original Ashington version of Flowers In The Rain:
“Eh'm just sittin watchin flooers in the rain
Feel the pooer of the rain
Mekin me 'lotment graa.”
Sandy   Imagine there's no Beavan's”
Post Script 
Looking for links for this blog I googled Cheap Sunglasses Serenaders and found that someone had put their cassette on Youtube.
pps George was from Byker, Phil from Wallsend
ppps Kudos to George Bosnyak who devised and took the photo above, which worked on t-shirts, posters and this photograph of a much folded poster.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Mother's Day

From Facebook Archives

27 November 2022 at 11.06
I've blogged
Today's blog has a link to the iPM podcast with Eddie Mair.
Last night Ferretfingers told me I wasn't going to go with him and his father to the Whitley Bay Green Beans and Tynemouth stations markets.
"Mummy will stay at home."
Even though I have fed Ernextdoor's cat I am still in my dishabille.
My plan for today is a bath, some laundry, sorting the kitchen, draining the fruit for the Xmas pudding 
(which Fester and I will mix later and steam tomorrow) and sewing up bits of knitting.
All the boys are out.
Ms Delune  Haven’t started on the Christmas baking yet but will be trialling the GHI gin and Earl grey recipe (x 4), making lime and raspberry curd, and cowboy candy in the next few weeks. Runner bean chutney sat in cupboard maturing.
I can roll my r sounds now, though.  Not that there’s much call down in this part of Wales
Ms Doozer  Hadn't heard the iPM. You're a saint
Bentonbag  No, just a mother.
You've heard the screams through the wall!
Ernextdoor  Thank you for feeding the pussy cat xx

Tuesday, 26 November 2024



At Ouseburn Farm this morning the Henman, trying to chivvy the placements along, sang“Moving, moving, moving, get those dogeys moving.”

I was about to tell him that it was actually “Rollin” when I had a flashback…

It was a dark, very cold, winter's night and Phil was driving us back through the countryside from Bellingham, probably after visiting his cousin in Longhaughshields.

He started singing
“Frozen, frozen, frozen,
Both me balls are frozen,
And they’ve gone all icy inside.”

I responded with

“In the frosty weather
Get a piece of leather
And chafe them both together

At which Phil laughed so much we nearly left the road.


Thursday, 21 November 2024

The First Coven

Nothing for the 21st so you’re getting the 22nd half a day early as I’ll be too busy to do anything tomorrow morning.

This is a facebook memory of a facebook memory – it’s all getting a bit meta!
From Facebook Archives
22 November 2021 at 08:37
Oh my goodness, is it that long since the first Coven ever?
We weren't even called the Coven then ...
We were dubbed that in Oliver's cafe in Newcastle Grainger Market by Mr Jeremy, rubbing his hands together with "Ah, I see the Coven are all assembled."
Thank you ladies for the sometimes mad sanity saving weekends.
shared a memory from 7 years ago
22 November 2014
Finally got around to downloading the pre-theatre meal photo from uni friends reunion last weekend.
There was so much laughing and talking I only had time for the one photo!
Lord it and they did me good!
Dr D  Unbelievable.  Thanks so much to all, and to the good fortune (ie thanks to God) for saving my life with this reunion.   Looking forward to the next time xxx
Dr E  So much fun