Tuesday 27 August 2024

A Cheeky One

The first photo of Phil and me, on his 39th birthday 31st October 1985

There was a time when I would do all those ‘quizzes’ that came up on Facebook.

As mentioned in a previous blog, in the summer of 1985 my then flatmate the Squireen was dancing with The Newcastle Cloggies at Folkmoot and dragged me along to the ceilidh.  

When she went off to change I looked around the room to see if there was anybody I knew and could sit by.  I spotted  one of the Kingsmen, Craigsy, and sat next to him.  
Sitting across the way was a large bearded man …

From Facebook archives …

27 August 2017 at 09:49 ·

LolSided Quizzes - What is your British slang nickname? “Brenda The Cheeky Bugger”

For once a quiz that got it right.

My first conversation with Phil was at a Folkmoot concert where there was a band from Brittany with a bloke playing the shawm :-

Phil "Look at him he's doing circular breathing" 
(being asthmatic Phil was always impressed and fascinated by circular breathing)
"Him over there playing the shawm."
"Which one?”
Pointing “Him”
“The one that looks like Renee off Allo Allo?"
Slight pause whilst Phil turns and regards me, then
"Well you're a cheeky one aren't you?"

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