Tuesday, 31 December 2024

At The End Of 2020

A "lockdown" jumper
You’ll probably know that I started seriously doing this blog in the run up and during the pandemic.  Initially as an easy way to keep family and friends informed of Ferretfingers’ broken ankle and how things were progressing.  Then, as the pandemic closed around and lockdown isolated us, as a sort of message in a bottle to friends giving at least some virtual human contact to those on their own – or just bored witless and desperate for something to read.
This is how we ended that year
From Facebook Archives
31 December 2020 at 16.01
Before we all hit the sherry can I just say a big THANK YOU to all those who have made this past year just a bit more bearable including and especially:
All the staff on Ward 24 of the RVI.
Lane End Surgery's and Lakeside Centre's receptionists
The staff at LD:NorthEast
Those people who've been kind/mad enough to read my blogs and say nice things about them
The friends who have kept in touch here, by text/phone/email (and the one who has winkled me out for the odd walk despite my foul mouth).
I'm not going to tempt fate with any optimistic predictions or hopes.
Just please do everything to stay well, look after yourselves and each other and know I appreciate you.
Mrs Lasagne  Happy New Year Ben and thanking for making me smile xxxx
Mrs Jeremy  I absolutely second that - the blog posts etc have sustained me and made me laugh out loud at times, and shed tears at other times but the real belly laugh moment of the year for me has to be the now infamous 'emoji error' in the tweet to North Tyneside Council! I need say no more...
Miss Doozer  Happy New Year and keep the blog posts coming; I love reading them x
Ms Exlibris  Happy New Year to you Ben.
Ms Stephenson  Happy New Year Ben
Bess Cavalier  Happy New Year to you Ben, Fester and the boys.
Mrs Bursar  Happy New Year to you & yours Ben. Lots of love and hugs. xx

And from a few years earlier

31 December 2011 at 22:21
My Dad gave this Carmarthenshire Blessing as the toast at my wedding so, at the end of the year when he finally went home, it seems fitting to share it with all of you for 2012:-
"We wish you health, sufficient wealth,
A happy home and freedom,
And may you always have good friends,
And never have cause to need 'em."


Now, 2012 was a year when we found out how many good friends we had, but that story’s been told before.

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