Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Covid Aftermath: To Tell The Tooth

Facebook post Wednesday 18 May 2022 at 10.83

Some of you will know that I was supposed to have my broken tooth out under sedation at the Dental Hospital today.
However last night I read the patient's instruction sheet properly and realised that I was Covid positive seven days ago, and they need people to be negative for at least 10 days.
As soon as possible this morning (8.40) I phoned and explained, and apologised for not realising sooner. The receptionist asked how I was and I told her honestly that I still had a cough, claggy throat and little stamina, and it's been rescheduled for June 29th.
If Pearl can't be my companion I may have to ask for another volunteer.
Fester's reaction?
"Oh you can spend the day in the garden then" as he wafts out for a walk.


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