Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Covid Day Three: Wednesday 4 May 2022 (Star Wars Day)

I spent five days self-isolating in the bedroom only really seeing Fester.  Thunderthighs would only come in the room if he was masked and I had the duvet pulled up over my nose.

Normally on Wednesdays I take Ferretfingers to and from The Rising Sun Farm. Obviously that wasn’t possible, so his father took him out for the day.

I was feeling strong enough to open a book so got out Anne Cleves' The Crow Trap and lay on the bed with it. 
I should mention here that I seldom fall asleep lying on my back; it only happens when I’m utterly exhausted.
It was a warm day and I had the window and door wide open to get a through draught.
When the boys returned home Fester halloo-ed as he came through the front door, but got no reply.
He came upstairs calling me, with no response.
He found me lying flat on my back, eyes closed, left arm flung out holding the book, right lying by my side, apparently not moving at all.
I woke with a start when he touched my wrist.
He looked genuinely alarmed.
“Cheezus!” I said “Were you looking for a pulse?”
“No.  But I thought I’d better check that you were still warm.”

Ferretfingers used to sleep worryingly still as a baby; we called it Silent Running.

I texted some friends and family

“Just woke up to find Fester feeling my wrist.  I was so still he was checking I was warm!”
And got these responses
Miss Doozer – Yikes!  The deep sleep is needed.  From what I can gather from friends who have had this.  Lets the body do its thing.  But good to know Fester is checking anyway.
Mrs Burser – Aye it’s a bugger for tiredness.  You’re just going have to rest and let them get on with it.  They won’t burn the house down!
Bazoukiboy – Please say you jumped up and shouted “SURPRISE!”
Oldestbestfriend – That sounds familiar.  I found a book of short stories which was all I could manage.  I was ill a couple of months ago and decided to binge watch The Tower of London … only one problem, I would fall asleep in episode 1 and wake up in episode 4.  Does nothing for the continuity.
Mrs Eft – Did he have life insurance documents in the other hand?
Pearl – Oh dear he must be really worried about you.
Mrs Leftfoot – OMG That’s not very encouraging.

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