Saturday, 28 May 2022

Covid Day Eight: Positive Test Blues

Email to family and friends 09.29 Monday 9 May 2022

Hello All

Well I feel a lot better than I did this time last week.

The headache has gone as has the worst of the cough: it still sounds like 40 Woodbines a day but isn't waking me at night.

My sense of smell and taste went for a while but are coming back (it's really weird shoving your nose in a jar of Vicks and getting nothing).

I'm no longer completely exhausted but I have no stamina and have to keep having little lie downs when I do anything and am quite snotty.

I've just done a lateral flow test and am still positive.

The good news is I got Fester to do one on Ferretfingers yesterday and he is clear of Covid, and has never shown any symptoms anyway, so he can go to the Day Centre today and Emil can take him out on his Thursday and Friday activities.   

Tuesday at Ouseburn and Wednesday at the Rising Sun depend on me being able to accompany and transport him.  So we shall have to see what tomorrow's test brings.

There will be more blogs when I'm up to it.



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