Friday, 27 May 2022

Covid Day Seven #2 TV Moan

Facebook Post Sunday 8 May 2022 at 18.39 
I would go and lie on the bed only "I never watch television me" is there again watching Shed & Buried.
If I tell him to go downstairs and watch on the living room tv where he/it won't annoy me I get 
"Oh I can't watch telly, I'll just fall asleep."
So what's the effing difference falling asleep down there?
Where he and these smug bastards won't annoy me?  New Series of Shed & Buried on TV in May | Biker Hub UK  Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove are back on screen, on a mission to find vintage treasures in the nation's sheds, in new episodes of Shed & Buried. In this hugely popular returning series, motorcycle-mad Henry Cole and his best friend, engineering genius Sam Lovegrove, resume their quest t ...

Oh great! Now he's flicked over to the news channel until the ads are over. 

He could do that downstairs as well.   
And, you know, supervise Ferretfingers while he's at it, keep the boy company, stop him series linking rubbish.  
He's been doing this all bloody week whilst I've been trying to self-isolate.  
Annoying the sh8 out of me.  
And stopping me sleeping.

Madame Fifi  Seems like you are having a terrible time Ben.

Paganess  I think a little Welsh straight talking may be required!  Have you tried 
'Fuck and keep Ferretfingers company, off I'm ill!!?'  If that hasn't worked satisfy yourself with planning revenge next time man flu hits him!
Bentonbag  Oh believe me words have been had, some of more than one syllable  
He just finds it amusing.  Which is why I now have no compuction at opening the curtains and flinging open the window for some fresh air as soon as I'm awake.
Miss Doozer  I can supply some drum n bass, delivered with extreme prejudice and at impressive volume, if required
Mrs Mobilephone  Hope things improve soon Ben missing you here!! X
Councillo GM  New series 😊 Sweet 😂
Bentonbag  Oh believe me every series ever is on an never-ending loop of repeats on Quest or whatever arse-end of the listings channel he finds.  That and some other awful oily half hour where some 'classic' car place in Yorkshire goes out and brings back vehicles to flog.  Or that Gog* from Llandudno who takes a furniture truck around big houses and dealers and gets stuff to renovate and flog onto some other suckers.   
It's endless... And then there's the balls - football and anything else involving putting balls in nets or holes or anywhere other than I'd like to shove 'em.
* Gog is what Welsh people call people from North Wales; it's from Gogledd, which is North in Welsh.

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