Sunday, 12 May 2024

Cold Call Role Model

I’ve known Beejay since he started university the year after me.

It’s flattering to be an inspiration to him.
From Facebook Archives 
Beejay 12 May 2021
Spam calls have now gone meta ..."Jennifer" from the 
"Call Blocking Department" phoned earlier to say they could stop me getting unwanted calls.  I needed a break from work and was looking forward to spinning this out in true Bentonbag style until "Jennifer" said I was getting the offer as a senior citizen and pensioner, so I took umbrage at that and she hung up
Beejaysis  You should be more worried that she could tell down the phone...
Beejaybro  It was the phone tracker lack of top of hair app that gave it away- accept that this was that corner of the jay-family norm.  And you are eligible for a bus pass 
(we don't have busses where I live in darkest North Yorkshireshire so I wouldn't know) and I am your peer and retired on a pension a long time ago.
Bentonbag  So flattering to be a role-model for the younger generation.  They keep shifting the eligibility for bus passes up here; as soon as I get near it they make it older.  It's currently 66 but I'm betting that as soon as I get to 65 they'll up it to 70.
Ms Exlibris  Bit like the state pension then.


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