Thursday 23 May 2024


From Facebook Archives

13 May 2010 at 11:11

HOORAY and HELP. I've won 2 tickets to see Dark Victory at the Tyneside Cinema on Saturday 22 May.  Of course Fester will be in Ireland (typical) so I need someone to watch the boys for the afternoon.
Also someone who likes black and white weepies to come with me.

22 May 2010 at 11:36

I am is being very brave while Thunderthighs goes up to the village on his own, for the first time, to buy a comic and some lunch from Greggs.

22 May 2010 at 11:37

I have shaved my legs and painted my toenails for the summer - a whole month later than last year (2009 I did it on St George's Day)
Ozwife  Too much information Ben!

22 May 2010 at 17:28 ·

I’ve had a lovely afternoon with Cousin Daisy at the Tyneside Cinema watching Dark Victory and having a nice cup of tea.  I won 2 free tickets as part of their birthday celebrations.  Bazoukiboy minded the boys. 
AND we have 3 big and one tiddly frog in the pond.
FifiD  How do you get your nail varnish to stay on for the whole summer??  
 Hope you had a good time with Daisy. Xx
Bentobag  I have very slow growing toenails.  Yes thanks Daisy and I had a lovely time, great weepie film and a nice cup of tea.


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