Sunday, 19 May 2024

What Difference?

A lateral flow test yesterday morning was negative; I no longer have the lurgie.

Friday mornings usually find me at LDNE helping with the knit’n’natter group for people over fifty, the eldest is 84.  

There are up to seven ladies with differing degrees of needlework skill ....
From Facebook Archives
19 May 2023 at 19.15
Hurrah! Carrie is back off her shielding, holidays and convalescence.  Having a second volunteer makes things so much easier; I fettled a teddy for the first time in weeks.
Somehow the knit'n'natter ladies have been conscripted into making red, white and blue poppies to make a Union Jack Remembrance Day flag for a local undertakers (who have made a large donation to the charity).
Miss Holly "Where is it for?"
Mrs Kay "The window of undertakers on the High Street."
Miss Holly "What difference does it make to them in there ... they're all dead."
Me "It's for the people passing by."
I looked across at Carrie who, avoiding my eye, had her forehead on the table.


I’ve lost count of how many hundred poppies we made, but I know Carrie and I crocheted and sewed tiny black centres onto everyone.  I also cast on, did the last two rows and finished off every poppy Mrs Workyticket knitted.   

Anyone who ever suggests that I knit another poppy gets short shrift; usually a two word phrase ending in “off”.


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