Thursday 5 September 2024

Remembering Mum

From Facebook Archives

5 September 2010 at 15:14

Middlesister reminded me this morning that it's Mum's anniversary - she had Alzheimer's. 

Took the boys to the Quayside Market, over bridge to Baltic Square where Alzheimer's Society had a stall for their Memory Walk. 

Bought three tombola tickets for a pound joking "wonder if Mum is looking out for me". 

3rd ticket won a pale blue pashmina ... her colour ... her gift?

Tylebach  How lovely xxx

5 September 2017 at 18:38
Looking for something this morning I found this photo of Dad in Blodfa's garden.
On the back, in his handwriting "Aug 1995 Taking a 'marrow' view". 
By the slant on the photo I suspect it was taken by Mum; the washing line poles never leant that much, they were solidly implanted. 
So many childhood memories tumbled out by this picture.
Mum's anniversary today, 14 years since she was released from Altzheimer's.

5 September 2023 at 08.07
It's now twenty years since Mum passed away.
On Sunday, as it we were in Ffairfach, I actually went to Mass at St David's Llandeilo where the first half of her funeral was. The second half was held in St Paul's Manordeilo where she is buried with Dad, next to Grandma & Grampa, Nana & Dada (great grandparents), all next to each other. 
When she was fit and able from 1958 she was an active parishioner of what became 
St David's Roman Catholic church, and active in Manordeilo village as well as being secretary of the WI for nine years and helping organise fundraisers like village carnivals.
I have used this garden photo before (, but straightened it up.  Mum had many wonderful qualities and skills; but she never managed to master modern cameras. 

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