Tuesday 17 September 2024

Making Myself Redundant?

From Facebook archives
17 September 2012 at 17:05
Two loads of washing out and dried and letters or cards written to The Paganess, FifiD, 
George Whitegoods, Mr Rochester, Kippa and 
Other Elswitch so not a totally wasted day.
Fester on his way to Sheffield - now to find the tins to make the boys' tea.

Went downstairs to find Thunderthighs making his own tinned spaghetti on toast (ain't microwaves wonderful) and Ferretfingers made himself such a doorstep sandwich when he came home he doesn't want anything until suppertime.
Neglectful mother or judicious loosening of apron-strings?
If I could get one of them to do the ironing I'd be nearly redundant 😀
This has not happened.  Thunderthighs does his own ironing but there’s still the others.
See also

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