Thursday, 25 November 2021


The other day Facebook Memories threw up the fact that it’s seven years since the first get-together of what has become the biannual (when possible) sanity saving Coven.
At university we were friends through membership of Cathsoc and/or being flatmates in the renowned 16E Richardson Road (1960s architectural award winning flats now demolished and rebuilt).
This photo is of the first gathering: we have gained Mrs Eft and sadly lost Paula in the intervening years.
From Facebook archives ...

25 November 2014 at 16:18

So on Sunday I go to Mass for the first time in years (thanks to DrE, Mrs Fitz, Bess Cavalier and DrD).

Then today I discover that the lady who I was supposed to be helping organise the carol service for LD:NorthEast can no longer do anything so it's all down to me.  

And we have no record of the adapted readings from last, or previous, year.   
So I’ve spent this afternoon with The Children’s Illustrated and Jerusalem Bibles and on the web in order to write four readings (Prophecy of Isiah, Annunciation, Birth & Shepherds, Visitation of the Magi) suitably adapted for people with learning disabilities.

Not sure whether it’s sacrilegious but hey ho.

Do you think Someone up there is dropping hints?

Bess Cavalier ๐Ÿ˜‰ Definitely!
Sheffield Cousin  Definitely. The hint is don't volunteer.
FiFiD  Big hints.  They want you back in the fold!!  Did you get envelope from me yet?  Posted it Friday. X
Bentonbag  Yes thank you so much FifiD - exceedingly generous - I gave it to the Chair this morning so it's safe.
Ms Exlibris  Don't do it!
Mrs Leftfoot  Yes.

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