Thursday, 27 October 2022

Detangling Barbie

Great-niece#1 has a passion for Frozen.  This time last year I found a naked Elsa and Anna in the St Oswald Hospice Shop and realised they were much the same size as Barbie.  Foolish woman that I am I thought it would be relatively easy to knit a couple of costumes for them, adapting patterns I already had, as her Christmas box.  Their hair was very tangled so I asked my Facebook friends for advice. Other crafty people may find it useful.

From Facebook Archives
27 October 2021 at 14:21
Advice on detangling Barbie and other long dolls' hair would be most welcome. 
What not to do as well as what to do.
Miss Fiddle  From what I remember, hold the top of the hair near the scalp whilst combing from the bottom - almost a millimetre at a time.  Otherwise the poor doll will be scalped.
Mrs Elswitch  Fabric softener diluted.  Soak for a few minutes and then brush out
Miss Fiddle  Sounds a good idea - we never had fabric softener at home when I was a kid!
Ms RB  What Mrs Elswitch said.
Mrs BW  Google for advice maybe.  I heard about fabric softener too
Mrs Quilt  I’d fabric softener as Mrs Elswitch says and use a comb exactly as Miss Fiddle described. This will take time so earphones on and a boxed set of something that will entertain you. Good luck - horrible job!
Bentonbag  Shame I don't use fabric conditioner. I shall have to get some
Miss Doozer  I can bring you some
Bentonbag  Yes please.  I can show you why I need it.
Mercy Kitchen  Hair conditioner if not fabric softener and yeah, brush from the ends a little at a time. Then rinse the conditioner out
Elsa and Anna were eventually sent to Greatniece#1 dressed in their travelling outfits and with their posh-frocks.  The Barbies have been kept for future reference.

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