Sunday, 5 February 2023

Washing Day Joy

From Facebook archives
6 February 2014 at 21:46
And the good news is …
Will Fixit has reinstated the washing line! 
Bess Cavalier  Is it dry enough up there to hang any washing out? 
Bentonbag  Intermittently.
Sadly the lawn is so sodden it's going to be impossible to put any washing out until we have a good week without rain. 
Mr Minor  It will be fine as long as you don't hang things on it! 
Bentonbag  I've bitten the bullet and braved the bog and the washing is out - so far so good - some of it could do with a good rinse. 
Mr Minor  Question. What was it while it was not being a washing line, before its reinstatement? 
Bentonbag  It was taking a sabbatical hanging around the climbing frame down the back of the garden.

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