Thursday, 15 July 2021

A Troika And A Repeat

From Facebook archives and memories

16 July 2012 at 16:53 ·

First visit from a social worker to get Ferretfingers assessed now he's turning 18, mostly so he's in the system should his father and/or I be run over by the proverbial bus. Recent happening in the Fester family has concentrated the mind wonderfully on one's own mortality :{

16 July 2012 at 20:55 ·

Has just booked a Travelodge room online for the very first time.

Because I'm buggered if I'm going to pay three times as much for the joy of talking to an Irishman in Barcelona to do it (which is what happened last time) much as I like talking to Irishmen.

feeling positive. 16 July 2018 at 15:19 ·

Coming back from City Learning Centre having enrolled Thunderthighs for next year we spotted the yellow AA signs warning of road closures for the Gay Pride Parade. I suggested we could go on the march to show solidarity with gay people. 

"I've got a friend who's gay you know, he's at college with me" said Thunderthighs 

- and my heart swelled a little.
We can't be doing it all wrong after all.

Pinkitchen  Thank you. From a gay person, I truly appreciate bringing up your kids to just be okay with it.  Not to make it into anything special, just something that is.  You're definitely doing something right!
Bentonbag  I have told him in the past, just in conversation, not making a big thing of it, that I don't mind if he's straight, gay or whatever as long as he's considerate and kind to people it's fine by me (and his dad).
Henlady Proud of Thunderthighs xx

 16 July 2018 at 08:09

16 July 2009 · Soaked to the skin, wellies full of water”
You know that photo I shared from Memories this morning .... well this is the blog to go with it.   
Older readers may remember it and enjoy the repeat ...

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