Friday, 9 July 2021

TyneBridge Tips

As Facebook archives have come up with nothing better than:-

9 July 2009 at 23:00 ·

Wondering whether to wash my kit as we have no more bookings this summer

Miss Fiddle  I had the same wonder last night - the skirt's now in the wash basket!
Bentonbag  I have a load in the washer waiting to go on the line
The Squireen  Wash it and we will get bookings !!!!
Bentonbag  I'm as paranoid as the next woman but can't honestly believe that the lack of bookings is down to the laundering of my kit.
… and the fact Fester had a haircut on this day in 2018 (no, he’s not had one since) …

I decided to dig even further back into other archives for this gem from the Ben’s Bits page of TyneBridge’s defunct website.   

These tips may be useful to other morris teams or dancers …



When you have taken the last drag of your post-dancing fag, refrain from dropping the glowing butt down a drain hole without checking first that the contents are wet.  Do not do as Deputy Squire did at Bede’s World Museum and drop it down a drain hole full of dried rose leaves - which then smoulder and send up smoke signals.   

If you happen to do so - do as she did and have a 2 litre bottle of water handy to douse the flames.


When dancing out it is useful to have bottles of water to take refreshing swigs from between and after dancing (and to extinguish small conflagrations).  But if they are carbonated, and have been jogging about in your backpack, be sure to warn fellow dancers BEFORE they open them and soak themselves and the surroundings. (Deputy Squire again)


Always remember your collecting buckets.  We got 3 weeks practice room rent at Durham Folk Party mainly thanks to Ollie Beverbrook who picked ours up and (quite illegally) went soliciting tourists with it.


Keep all the safety pins they give you with your dry cleaning.  Put them on one big pin and pin it to your kit bag- or discreetly on to your kit.  Someone at a dance out is bound to need at least one and you’ll have a friend for life.


If your tights (or any other garment) feel loose before dancing they WILL slide down/off. The law of gravity will then conjoin with Sod’s law to ensure the most embarrassing garment will come off at the most crucial moment in the most public place. So find the keeper of the pins and pin them up before you dance.

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