Thursday, 1 July 2021

Getting Sorted

From Facebook archives

2 July 2013 at 20:07

About 18 months ago work started on the loft extension and the contents of the airing cupboard was stuffed in suitcases and bags and put in the boys' room.

Then Littlebrother died and over the next six months much of the contents of Fester’s childhood home came up here and got stashed in the living room and boys' bedroom. There was only a walkway to the beds and wardrobe.

There was a wall of boxes in the living room and I once described it as 
“like Steptoe’s but without the stuffed bear or skeleton.”

Last October the loft was completed and Thunderthighs went up into his own penthouse, with a brand new bed. His old bed got used as a dumping ground which gave us a bit more elbow room.

Then I got the airing cupboard back so all the towels and bedding could go away.

Last week, at the ceremony where we scattered Littlebrother’s ashes, various friends took treasured momentos (mainly teeshirts) emptying a box or two.

Today I had a concerted sort and shift.  

Empty boxes and ikea bags full of spare pillows and other stuff have been put on the top bunk above Ferretfingers' bed and the spare bed is back to being a bed.
The boys’ room is back to being a bedroom again!
So I can now offer a guest a bed in a room.
And I have somewhere to go when the snoring gets too much; rather than camping on the floor in another room.

It's been a long time coming.

Very therapeutic !

After all that, as I was dusting off my hands and looking around in quiet satisfaction, 

Thunderthighs lumbers in and says wistfully "I miss this room" ...

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