Thursday, 27 January 2022

All Before Breakfast

From Facebook archives…

27 January 2016 at 10:55
This morning I got up and:-
  • Rewound a toilet roll that had been unwound and left in a pile by Ferretfingers's bed.  You'd be amazed at how big a pile an unrolled toilet roll makes.  But the middle had vanished so I had to use my hands.
  • Downstairs discovered the curtain rail end had vanished and most of one of the curtains hanging off.  So had to take all four curtains off, replace some of the hooks, slide them back on again and put elastic bands at the ends of the rail because they work so much better than the fiddly screw on things than come with the curtains.
  • Sorted Ferretfingers out.  He's having the most dramatic cold in the nose, clutching his throat at every cough and wheezing "I'm choking".
  • Made my breakfast – pausing to answer the door to let Ferretfingers out - and started eating it.

Then the master of the house arose.


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