Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Independence Training

From Facebook Archives

19 January 2014 at 17:42 
Tomorrow Thunderthighs is going to the Calvert Trust in Keswick with school and he is packing his own rucksack.   
Mummy is forcing herself to back off from showing or telling him 'the right way to do it' although she would love to interfere.   
That way lies him never learning to do things for himself.   
This way lies independence; 
and not having whichever poor woman he gets shacked up with having to do it for him (like his father).
Although I have made strong suggestions such as
"What about putting your DS game chips all in one box so there's more room?" 
and "What about the charger?" 
and "Deodorant" 
and "spare shoes" 
and "more socks" 
and "I've put a flannel in your toilet bag".  
But all in all if he gets wet, cold, miserable and smelly that's his problem!
Henlady  Hope he has a great time.
Bentonbag   And my reward is him coming into the living room and asking 
"Is there anything else you think I need?" just for a final check.
FifiD  A pen... To send a postcard home xx
Mrs Elswick  20p for emergency phone call?

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